Today was hair day. Hair day is usually an all-day activity, but I decided to go easy on myself and spite the task in two. Today, I took down my braids and washed my hair. Tomorrow, I will moisturize and style it. Hair day is taxing, but it has spiritual healing effects.
A friend once asked me what hair day was. It was the only time I had ever been asked; before then, I was sure it was as self-explanatory as laundry day. Of course, I told them the surface-level definition: a day dedicated to hair care, but Hair Day also invokes a euphoric feeling. It is one of my favorite self-care tasks.

Self-care tasks can fall into two categories: functions for fun and chores I do to better myself. Both make me feel good about me. Hair day is one of the few tasks that fall into both categories. I feel cared for when my hair is done, and trying new hairstyles brings me a new understanding of myself. Since I was raised as a girl, I was indirectly taught that my hair assisted people’s judgment of me. So, having my hair look presentable was crucial to my comfort.

For most of my life, my hair was for others. It wasn’t until I shaved all my hair that it became for me. Now, as a woman, I have the power to redefine what my hair means. Hair kept track of all my trials and tribulations; I felt so light when I first went bald. I have grown out my hair since then, but I cannot help but think about it today. My hair is almost to the length I cut it all off. Lots have changed with me since then. And more changes will come with each inch grown.

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