I once heard that boys go through phases where they believe they can miraculously fight out of a dire situation. If pushed to the brim, their adrenaline would enhance their fighting ability to Bruce Lee’s tire and prevail. That bold belief is usually put to rest by the time the frontal lobe fully matures. That being said, not all rushed self-assertions are dumbfounded.

“I’m sure, without seeing beforehand, I could tell the handwriting of people close to me,” I said passively, unaware of the havoc I would release.

I can’t even remember what led to me saying this, but whatever it is, my friend and I’s catch-up conversation ended completely. He threw rapid clarifying questions at me, which gave me the feeling that my statement was not a common belief among my peers. He didn’t believe that anyone could tell a person by their handwriting—maybe their style and home decor, but handwriting, never.

To be completely transparent, I have never tested this new belief of mine. Today was my first time thinking about this topic, and I forged this belief solely from the first wave of thought. But the more my friend pushed, the higher my confidence. He even pulled people into our debate, three to be persisted. The first guy agreed completely with my friend, but the second two were more on my side. The third guy even provides evidence of writing handwriting analysis.

This bickering session ends as most do; he leaves believing his right while I know I am.

Three Mornings in One

Diary Entry 8/21

Golden Prison

Diary Entry 8/18

Ball Drop

Diary Entry 8/15

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