“Why did you sting me?” cried the Frog.

“I can’t go against my nature,” rebuttal the Scorpio.

I have the Frog and Scorpio folk tales on repeat in my head. I thought the story conveyed that people are stupid, even to their detriment. The Scorpio acknowledged that stinging the frog would result in his death but did it anyway, at the most decisive point. If he had stung her at the end of the pond instead of the middle, he would have lived and still be true to his nature.

I missed the point of the story the first time through; I was too focused on the best tactic for the Scorpio to take while adding my own characteristics to the character. I always felt like people could hold themself back if need be. I don’t mean complete suppression but holding back elements of themselves for their well-being. I see it as putting a part of yourself in hibernation while the other parts represent all of you. But this story paints the Scorpio as one thing, a stinger, with no other element to him. so I guess it would be impossible to suppress all of you and still be functional.

The true moral of the story is to be wary of people since they cannot go against their nature, but I prefer my conclusion.  

Side note: The frog is a girl, and the Scorpio is a boy. They are both around 18 to 20 years old. That is the only way it works in my head.

End to an Undefined Relationship

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